You are here: Downloads  
Pro version
University Edition
Demo version
LookUp Word


On this page ...

we will provide you with the latest downloadable versions of our software, any bugfixes, updates and all additional information you might need.

You can find documentation and online help files as well as the different versions of our products.
If you are a registered LookUp user you will have received your LookUp license already via email.
You can then download the file from the site.

The current version of LookUp Pro and Demo (2.3.7) is only available for PC with Windows Operating System.
Currently we do not support Linux or Max OS.

available downloads

Version  Content  Link 
LookUp Demo   Use the comfortable GUI and store your data in an open backend database.
Demo version valid for 3 months and/or 5000 terms.  
LookUp University Edition   Students can request a free copy for 180 days and/or 10000 terms.   download  
LookUp Pro   Use the comfortable GUI and store your data in an open backend database.   download
Licence key required  
LookUp Word    [coming soon] 
LookUp documentation  currently updated  [coming soon] 

Printable version